Dear Prospective 皇冠体育官网 International Family,

Thank you for taking the time to apply to 皇冠体育官网! Here’s what we will need from you:

First, complete Duolingo or iTEP SLATE and submit scores.

Then schedule a video interview with our International Program Director, Kristen Kreutner, by emailing her at

After a successful interview, numbers 1-5 should be scanned or photographed and e-mailed to

  1. Financial Declaration: All international applicants are asked to submit a financial declaration from their bank, verifying that they have funds available. Typically for our international students, it is best if the amount in the account exceeds USD $50,000.
  2. $750 Application Fee: A non-refundable $750 application fee must be paid before we can proceed. Go to the following web link to pay: If you have any issues, please contact to facilitate payment.
  3. Passport: A copy of the student’s passport must be scanned along with the application.
  4. Birth Certificate: A copy of the student’s birth certificate must be scanned along with the application.
  5. Official Transcript: We will need an official transcript of the last several years’ grades, (from 7th grade and above, if possible) translated into English, along with approximate CLASS RANK (example: 25/100 means the student ranks 25th out of 100 students in his/her class).
  6. Complete the application below, as well as this packet.

After the admissions assessment, initial interview and items 1-5 are all complete, we can typically send an official acceptance letter within 72 hours, and an I-20 can be issued within three months prior to arrival. 皇冠体育官网 tuition is nonrefundable.

Feel free to contact me with any questions!

GO Vikings!

Kristen Kreutner
Director of International Program

International Student Application

Applicant lives with, check all that apply:
Has the applicant ever been referred for academic evaluation, either remedial or accelerated?
What tests/assessments have the applicant taken?
Where do you expect to live when you come to 皇冠体育官网: